The Metamo Archives Wiki

Planetary Data[]

Lexikom is a weirdly smooth cube-shaped planet, with strange huge indentations on each side. The planet is actually barren of fauna and flora, and the outermost layer is almost 100% metal by now. In it lies a giant supercomputer made by the 26 Lexikorum, a race of beings that catalog each and every language in the galaxy, for storing all the data they've collected. The planet's insides are maze like and have multiple chambers with almost infinite cartridges with loads of data. The planet was ransacked once by an intergalactic space bandit gang, because of their language cartridge being here, which was summarily destroyed on the spot.



One of the entrances to the internal mazes, in the surface of Lexikom. Notice the H-shaped doors.

The 26 Lexikorum are language aficionados that archive any and every language they encounter in the galaxy, as such, they rival some in collecting data in their planets' super computers. As long as they live, the almost infinite compedium of language data will be kept for millenia wandering in space inside their planet. They actually made their planet have a big defense system after the ransacking of some cartridges.

Game Data[]

Game Data - Field Physics, Meteo Tileset, etc.
At 11 columns wide, this planet would be very hard to do screen clears due to the heaviness of its Meteos.
Meteos Rates

Air-meteos-gauge    23%

H2o-meteos-gauge    12%

Iron-meteos-gauge    34%

Zap-meteos-gauge    12%

Glow-meteos-gauge    45%
